Sunday, April 19, 2009

Inside My Portfolio Covers

Here are pics of my inside covers!


Seth said...

Really nice. So much detail to explore. Is that a skull in the corner?? Very cool touch.

jeanie said...

Hi Brian, my name is Jeanie and I am a fellow student of the Stencil class from Mary Ann Moss. I noticed a comment on blog that you liked a clean look for your portfolio covers. I, too, wanted a more clean look...I cut the front and back covers off of my wall paper sample book and it worked great. Maybe that will work for you? I enjoy your blog. You do great work...I like your style!

Brian K said...

Hi Jeanie! LOL I ended up using cardboard like Mary Ann suggested and used... Because, my order for book board had not arrived yet. Now it IS here! Yeah! I guess I'll just have to make another one!

Hmmm wallpaper sample covers, NICE idea! Thank you! Now I just need to find a place to give me some old ones? Thank you for posting!

Mary Ann Jenkins said...

love the colors on this, and the layering too. so cool!